Sunday, February 2, 2020


Mid January I ordered two MYLOCOSOUND cards for engines No.8 and 10.
I bought them from G scale graphics.
Ordering was easy and quickly shipped.
They were $79.00 each. I also ordered one remote programmer too.
I installed one in No.8 first and wired it to control the chuff/exhaust from the throttle power. This way I can adjust the chuff speed with the remote programmer. The alternative was to wire into the cylinder switches, but that would give only half the chuffs per wheel revolution.
I set up it so the air pump, water injector and safety valves popping off run automatically.
I have not wired in the bell and whistle controls, I need to order a relay for the receiver for that to work.
As of right now, I have not done No.10 yet. I will as soon as I'm done with the Jamestown turntable.
I am really happy with the added realism MYLOCOSOUND contributes to the operation fun.
Here are three videos I made to hear the MYLOCOSOUND in action.

Sounds No.8 makes.

Making up Train 22 East January 1, 2020.

Train 22 East Leaving Jamestown.

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