Saturday, August 31, 2019

Report No.15

They are back.
In the original Report No.8, Oct. 24, 2018 I informed about the Naked Lady plants.
 I added update photos today to that post to show the plant cycle in the garden.
Here is a short video from last Saturday 8-24-19 of Train 22 West going through this years crop of flowers that just shot up last couple weeks. All of the green leaves have been gone since end of July.
Finally got the last of the battens on the Freight Depot last week and paint on the track side last night.
Have not decided on final color yet.
The computer program has those cars at the Freight Depot today, I didn't stage them.
Still running 2-3 trains a weekend. I keep the Jamestown yard covered to keep rain of tree stuff off it. I usually uncover it Friday evening and set out cars.
I'll have to do a post on the car tags and magnets to mark where each car comes from and returns. Makes it easy setting out cars.

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