Monday, April 1, 2019

Equipment Vinyl Lettering

I bought a Brother Scan N Cut 2 Model CM350, (SnC) in early January for making vinyl lettering.
After getting used to the menu usage and small screen, it works great now. There are a lot of youtube videos to help get you started. Most are for cutting fabric, though work using the same menus.
The lettering style I have been using from the SnC look very much like Railroad Roman.
There is an updated work program for your PC called Brother CanvasWorkspace. You connect the SnC to your PC via USB A to B cable and transfer files back and forth. The SnC does also have an extra USB port for a thumb drive that I use for storing files since the memory of the SnC can only hold about 50 files.
Like the SnC, the Workspace menu takes some getting used to and is limited also on project manipulation.
I have been using it for all files now.
For better flexibility there is program called Inkscape that you can make anything. Good videos on how to learn to use it is here, ttps://
I have not used it yet.
You can take almost any graphic file and use an online converter to change it to an SGV file, then import it to the Workspace for modifying it, then it changes it to the SnC file type, fcm, when exported to your PC or SnC.
The best thing the SnC has other cutters don't have is a scanner. You can scan an picture or drawing and change its size and shape for cutting out. The most useful use of the scanner is to scan the work mat to reuse previously cut vinyl sheets and move your project to an unused scrap on it. Less wasted material.
So far I have cut letters down to 1/8 inch with out  any problems. Though it is harder to weed out the material around the letters the smaller they get.
I have been using it for two months an see no blade dulling yet. But bought an extra on Amazon for $9.00 Model: CABLDP1
One tip I found, is to use painters tape to hold two sides of your vinyl sheet to the sticky mat better.
You can get 12x12 inch vinyl sheets in a lot of colors at Michaels or Hobby Lobby for about $2.00 each. Or 4 foot rolls at most all craft stores for about $8.00.
Michaels has matt,(dull coat), white and black sheets. Look better than glossy.
Here is what I have used it for.

Also relettered all the locomotives.


GE Rik said...

The quality of the lettering looks superb. Pity you don't live nearer or I'd be knocking on your door. Not sure I can add a printer to my Christmas list.


John Scott said...

Yes, the least expensive of the new version, scan n cut dx, is $299. USD at